Pastors United for Life and Liberty
Sign the Letter - Stop the Genocide

STEP 1: Sign the Letter
Speak TRUTH to power. Sign the letter. Stop the genocide. Add your electronic signature to the Letter for Our Lives and we will forward the letter to your elected officials urging them to stop funding the genocide of Black lives in America. Let your voice be heard for the millions of innocent children who have no voice. Then keep growing your life ministry through the actions below and with the resources provided on this site.

STEP 2: Share the Letter
Share this critical information with your network of peers. Encourage them to review the www.ForOurLives.org site and add their name to the Letter for Our Lives.
You can also share the site on facebook.

STEP 3: Contact Your Elected Officials
Search this database for your federal, state and local legislators by entering your address. Utilize the ForOurLives.org Fact Sheets and Resources to speak with your officials and urge them to vote to defund the genocide and protect LIFE in your state Constitution and statutes. Ask them to prioritize funding for programs that protect the lives of both mothers and unborn children. Invite legislators to meet with you and members of your church or community.

STEP 5: Network
Find Pro-Life organizations near you that will partner with you to bring educational and advocacy programs to your church and community. Join a local advocacy team to meet with state and local legislators to help enact legislation to save our lives.